South Jersey Law Blog

ABA House of Delegates to Meet in Chicago

Posted by Richard DeMicheleAug 03, 20120 Comments

The Nation's Lawyers to Debate Ethics Rules In Chicago

The ABA's Annual Meeting is in Chicago, Illinois this year.  Rick DeMichele will be attending this weekend and early next week as part of his duties a Delegate to the  American Bar Association's House of Delegates “HOD”.  Rick first served in the House of Delegates in 2002 when the body met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Most recently Rick attended the ABA's Midyear meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.  You can review his 2012  Midyear Meeting Report. The issues the House of Delegates will being considering at the Annual Meeting are listed in the  Preliminary Agenda.  The House of Delegates will be in session on Monday, August 6, 2012 and Tuesday August 7, 2012.   Of particular interest are thesix recommendations from the ABA's Commission on Ethics 20/20 .  The ABA's Commission on Ethics 20/20 was charged with reviewing the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct and the U.S. system of lawyer regulation in the context of advances in technology and global legal practice developments. forThe resolutions, 105A through F, provide guidance in the following areas: lawyers' use of technology and confidentiality; lawyers' use of technology and client development; ethical implications of retaining lawyers and nonlawyers outside the firm to work on client matters; practice pending admission; admission by motion; the detection of conflicts of interest when lawyers move from one firm to another; Rick will  again be providing live real time updates on the actions and votes of the House of Delegates via Twitter and  Facebook.  You can follow the tweets  @jerseylegal and  @rickdemichele and he will be using the “hashtag” #abaannual.  The Facebook updates will be at the  DeMichele & DeMichele Facebook page. The House of Delegates has 560 lawyer members from across the county.  Currently the HOD consists of 52 State Delegates, 231 State Bar Association Delegates, 71 Local Bar Association Delegates, 18 Delegates-at-Large, 75 Present and Former Officers and Board members, 73 Section, Division and Conference Delegates, 2 Ex Officio Members, 28 Affiliated Organization Delegates, 4 US Territory Delegates, and 3 Members-at-Large.  Mr. DeMichele represents the  Camden County Bar Association as one of the Local Bar Association Delegates.  New Jersey has a total of three Local Bar Association Delegates.