South Jersey Law Blog

DeMichele Tackles Controversial Teenager Support Case

Posted by Richard DeMicheleMar 04, 20140 Comments

Morris County Teen Initiates Firestorm by Demanding Support From Parents

A North Jersey teenager is making national headlines by suing her parents for tuition and living expenses. Fox 29/My9's Chasing New Jersey asked DeMichele & DeMichele attorney Richard DeMichele, Jr. for his legal perspective. You can watch Rick's segment here: My9 New Jersey Rick DeMichele is preparing to host a seminar on child support for “adult” children with disabilities next week. Here's a quick synopsis of Rick's remarks on the North Jersey case if you can't watch or listen above: Most people assume that once a child turns 18 that they are considered an adult and emancipated, but that is not necessarily the case in New Jersey. Attorney Rick DeMichele says that there is a lot more to it. “Really what New Jersey does is say, that the child in the sphere of influence of the parents. In other words, if the child left the home, would they be able to survive on their own? And that's kind of how New Jersey takes a look at it as opposed to say the Pennsylvania model which is a hard and fast 18 or graduation from high school, whichever comes later,” he explained. If you have any questions regarding the ins and outs of child support in New Jersey, contribution for college tuition, or family law generally, please contact us online today or call (856) 546-1350 for a confidential consultation with one of our skilled family court lawyers.