South Jersey Law Blog

Understanding the Man Behind Abraham Lincoln

Posted by DeMichele + DeMichele, P.C.Feb 18, 20130 Comments

DeMichele & DeMichele Celebrates Presidents' Day

We hope many of you are enjoying a relaxing day off from work in honor of our American Presidents, notably, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln who shared February birthdays. We're in the office today working for our clients but we also like to take a moment every Presidents' Day to remember the elected statesmen who built this country into the greatest democracy on earth. Rick, Greg and I are particularly fond of Abraham Lincoln since he was also an attorney. Our 16th President is undoubtedly worthy of his elevated place in American History. That said, he was also a very complex man that perhaps too many Americans don't know enough about even after the release of the immensely popular major motion picture from Steven Spielberg this past fall. Interested in learning more? Please enjoy this relatively brief yet entertaining and information-packed Lincoln biographical video, courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution: httpv://