South Jersey Law Blog

Happy Independence Day

Posted by DeMichele + DeMichele, P.C.Jul 04, 20130 Comments

Celebrating America's 237th Birthday

Everyone at DeMichele & DeMichele wishes you and yours a very happy Fourth of July 2013! We hope that you safely enjoy your barbecues, parades, concerts, fireworks, family fun and beach time. Today is also an ideal opportunity to remember the profound sacrifice and spirit of the men and women who enabled our many treasured democratic freedoms including constitutionally-protected rights, a system of uniformly applied laws, trial by a jury of one's peers and an impartial judiciary. The American colonists did not enjoy the consistent access to these institutions that modern United States citizens do; thankfully, they were willing to take a stand and tell King George III about it! Click here to read the text of the Declaration of Independence. Click here to read an interesting article about the threats to colonial liberty of the revolutionary era including the deprivation of a trial by jury on this side of the Atlantic Ocean. And last but not least, here's a fun little musical (and historical) number from one of our favorite lawyers, John Adams.