Out-of-State DUI Convictions can come back to haunt New Jersey drivers up to a decade down the road
It's one of the more common questions we get here at the office from DUI clients: what effect, if any, does an out-of-state DUI conviction have on my current DUI charge? Again, it happens more than you think. Maybe you committed a youthful indiscretion a few years ago while at college in New Jersey, pleading guilty to a first DUI charge. Then, leaving an office party for your job in New York City or Philadelphia, you're pulled over, arrested, and ultimately blow an .09 percent Blood Alcohol Level (BAC) reading leaving the restaurant.
Our simple answer: it almost always counts, and the consequences can be severe. The basics: as a general matter, an out-of-state DUI conviction for someone who holds a New Jersey driver's license is treated as a prior offense. Consequently, a DWI violation committed in New Jersey within ten (10) years of your out-of-state violation will be treated as a second offense which means you face significantly stiffer penalties upon conviction. A notable exception? An out-of-state conviction for those carrying non-commercial driver's licenses resulting from a BAC under .08 percent. The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) is also empowered to proceed with an administrative license suspension and the imposition of pricey administrative surcharges. Don't needlessly risk your license, freedom, and livelihood. DUI convictions can result is loss of license for many months or years, huge fines, and even incarceration. We can help. If you or a loved one needs strong representation in a municipal court in New Jersey, contact the DWI defense lawyers at DeMichele & DeMichele today. We are here to defend the charges against you by working with you and experts if need be to craft the most effective possible defense. Contact us now for your confidential and free initial consultation. You can also reach us by telephone (856) 546-1350. Don't just plead guilty and risk your driving privilege or driving record!
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