South Jersey Law Blog

N.J. Police Car Dashboard Camera Mandate Signed Into Law

Posted by DeMichele + DeMichele, P.C.Sep 12, 20140 Comments

Advocates Say Bill is Win-Win for Police and Public

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie signed A-2280/S-1305 on Wednesday, a bill which will require select police vehicles to be equipped with dashboard cameras. A prior attempt to put dashboard cameras in police cars received a “pocket” veto. Local police departments, by state mandate, are now required to install cameras in “newly purchased patrol cars or to equip officers with on-body cameras while on their beats.” Proponents of the law argue that cameras protect both on-duty police and regular citizens. Examples in the news are plentiful. Back in February 2014, charges against a North Jersey man were dropped after exonerating police dash cam footage came to the prosecutors' attention. The costs of installing these cameras is supposed to be offset, at least in part, by a provision in the new law that increases DWI/DUI conviction monetary penalties by $25. Almost three-quarters of patrol vehicles nation-wide are equipped with cameras. With or without a video to examine, a skilled defense attorney who is current on the law, with a solid knowledge of the facts, and the help of experts, can assert the right defenses, challenge the state's evidence and put you in the best position possible to win your case.  If you or someone you know is facing charges in municipal or criminal court, it is important to appreciate the seriousness of the potential legal consequences. For example, if you are convicted of a DWI/DUI, penalties could include include large fines, license suspension or even imprisonment. If you or a loved one needs representation for a DWI/DUI charge, driving while suspended charge, domestic violence complaint, drug possession, or other municipal or criminal court matters in New Jersey, contact the Municipal Court attorneys at DeMichele & DeMichele. Help protecting your rights is only a phone call away (856) 546-1350. Don't just plead guilty and risk your driving privilege or driving record.