South Jersey Law Blog

Evesham Municipal Court Power Outage

Posted by Richard DeMicheleJan 31, 20130 Comments

Power Outage Causes Postponements in the Evesham Municipal Court

In what can only be described as “I have never seen this before,” the Evesham Municipal Court postponed a number of matters on its docket because of a power outage this morning.   Defending clients in the Evesham Municipal court is nothing new to the firm (See Results in Evesham Township Municipal Court).  I arrived today at Municipal Court at 8:30 am ready to defend a client.  However, today was a little different.  I walked into the lobby of the municipal building and everything seemed normal … at first.  Then I realized the metal detector was not working at the security desk.  In looking around the lobby it became apparent that the light in the building was not coming  form the light fixtures but from the sky light.  The hallway to the prosecutor's office was dark and the prosecutor was using a flash light to review  his files.  The Evesham Municipal building was without  electricity. With no power the court room could not be opened.  Most importantly, the court recording system is electronic and needs power to operate.  Without a means to record the proceedings the court session could not proceed.  After approximately two hours of waiting, the prosecutor agreed to re-list the attorney cases for those who did not want to wait for the “juice” in Marlton.  My client and I opted to have our matter postponed.  I do not know if the power was restored or what happened to the remaining matters. I have had my cases postponed for many reasons in the past;  snow, hurricane, bomb threats, flooding to name a few.  Now I can add “no power” to the list!