South Jersey Law Blog

Sesame Street Explains Divorce to Preschool Children

Posted by Richard DeMicheleDec 11, 20120 Comments

 The Serious Side of Sesame Street and the Law

The subject of divorce is never easy for children.  This is especially true when it involves preschool age children.   Sesame Street is now addressing divorce.   As Time Magazine explains, this is not the first time the writers and producers of Sesame Street have attempted to address this issue.  In 1992 Sesame Street produced a segment that had Snuffleupagus' parents divorcing.  Segment was killed due to poor test screenings.  You can read the full Time Magazine article, ‘ D' is for Divorce: Sesame Street Tackles Another Touchy Topic.  The video explaining how and why Sesame Street came to produce and air a new segment on divorce is below.

Those of you who are regular readers of our blog know that this is not the first time that Sesame Street has intersected with the law.   We have previously written about United States Supreme Court Justice, Sonya Sotomayor, and her two previous appearances on Sesame Street.  (See,  Justice Sotomayor Renders Decision on Sesame Street and  Supreme Court Justice Gives “Career Advice”)   Both of our previous Sesame Street posts were lighthearted lessons from a United States Supreme Court Justice.  However, I wanted to commend Sesame Street for having the courage to take on this very important issue.  Many of our clients and their children struggle with the social impact of divorce. Hopefully, with the help of Sesame Street, preschool-aged children find a little easier to cope with and deal with their parents divorce.