Our Thoughts and Prayers Remain with Boston
Yesterday's explosions in Boston were horrific and tragic. We pray pray for a swift recovery and a return to normalcy for all those families that are suffering. Explaining yesterdays events to children or answering their questions can pose a challenge to many parents. I am not an expert on the subject nor do I profess to have an easy solution or answer. However, I did find a good resource on pbsparents.tumblr.com. The full text of the page is below (complete with links): Our thoughts go out to the victims and those injured at the Boston Marathon, as well as their families and friends. Such a horrible tragedy. Here are some tips for talking to kids about scary news: 1. Mister Rogers on scary news: http://www.pbs.org/parents/rogers/special/scarynews.html 2. Dr. Rosemarie Truglio, VP of Research and Education at Sesame Workshop on how to answer children's questions about scary news: http://www.pbs.org/parents/theparentshow/how-to-handle-childrens-questions-about-scary-news/ 3. Strategies for talking to kids about the news: http://www.pbs.org/parents/talkingwithkids/news/talking.html I hope you find the links above are helpful in assisting children cope with and understand this tragedy.
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