South Jersey Law Blog

The Conclusion of My Term as NJSBA Trustee

Posted by Richard DeMicheleMay 15, 20130 Comments

Today Marks the End of My Second Term as a NJSBA Trustee

It is with pride and a touch of sadness that I compose this post. I am about to finish what as been a wonderful experience and opportunity to serve the bar and the community. Today marks the end of 6 plus years as a New Jersey State Bar Association Trustee. I have enjoyed and I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to serve the profession. I am most thankful for the opportunity to meet and collaborate with so many skilled attorneys from across New Jersey.  (Many of whom read this blog on a regular basis.) In thinking back, I realized just how fortunate I was to represent not only the Bar's Sections and Divisions but also the Young Lawyers Division.   I think representing two distinct entities  in the bar at two separate times gave me a unique insight and perspective which I hope I was able to share with the board. As I was leaving the house to start my trek to Atlantic City my wife asked me “What's next?”.  I told her the the simple honest answer; I don't know.  She did not say a word but the expression on her face said, “Yea Right!”.  I guess I really should have said I do not know yet.  I cannot imagine my law practice without actively participating in the New Jersey State Bar Association.   The NJSBA has something for every lawyer in New Jersey.  While I figure out what is next, I encourage my colleagues to get active and figure out what is next for them in NJSBA. I would be remiss if I did not thank those who supported my efforts to serve.  Thank you to my law partner and brother Greg who, without question, supported this endeavor and my need to volunteer.  He always found time in his busy schedule to cover my appearances and make the office run smoothly while I was at the Bar Center or en route to New Brunswick.     To my wife Sharon, and our children, Amanda and Libby, thank you for continually waiting for dinner so I could participate on numerous conference calls.  Your understanding and support is unparalleled.   I also need to thank my assistant Jenna, who has fielded numerous phone calls and e-mails while I have attended bar meetings.  The calls from clients and adversaries have been numerous, but I am referring to my calls and e-mails asking fro my  bar ID # so I could get my CLE credit.  Jenna can attest,  I rarely remembered my Pennsylvania Bar ID number when it came time to complete the attendance form.  Lastly, I want to thank the NJSBA staff,  so many of them demonstrated an unbelievable amount of patience and understanding.  It is obvious the New Jersey State Bar Association attracts so many talented professionals and that is in large part due to its Executive Director, Angela Scheck.  My thanks to Angela and her team for their hard work in making the our volunteer efforts a success all the time . My time as a NJSBA Trustee was special.  I truly appreciate the time and the comradery with the best and brightest attorneys in New Jersey.  I can only hope that whatever is next will be as fulfilling and rewarding not only professionally but personally.

Thank You!